It's almost here... can you feel it?? The sky is colorful, the ground is colorful and my HDTV is colorful. Every day when I get off work I wanna go home and just relax…

soak in some Scooby-Doo…

eat a whole bunch of nothing…

drink my Colt 45…

order my fat white woman around…

avoid the kids…

talk some shit…

turn on the playstation 3 and this time talk shit to 14 year old kid with the screen name CUP_DA_BALLZ while playing "Call of Duty 2"…

avoid some calls but text random girls behind my white-woman Sara's fat ass (she'll never leave me)…

then get ready for work, there is no rest for the weary.

Oh and that job I spoke of at the beginning of that rrrrun-on sentence, I use my washboard abs to clean clothes cause that's how I roll. Ha, I'm just kidding guys, I don't have a job but don't worry about me I getst minez.

Shit, I forgot! I know why it's so colorful everywhere... Feb. 1, 2010 is almost upon us. First we take over your "White house" now the month of February.