Maybe the intensity is TOO high and they need a forum of their own. Let’s face it, defenders of Michael Vick say it’s his “culture” that led him to dog fight but if I’m not mistaken it’s a white man’s culture to have black people as slaves (both unacceptable). LeGarrette Blount punches a hole in this kids memory which is assault anywhere else in America but no charges are filed and no arrest is made. Serena Williams is a champion countless times over and she feels the need to wish death upon a guy just doing his job. And Kanye West cries every time a black person loses to a white person in life. I think I have a solution that will make them all happy… Mike Vick you can live your life and embrace your culture as a slave; LeGarrette Blount you need a serious hug… in prison; Serena Williams you need to give up sports and pursue that modeling career you are DESPERATELY trying to find; and Mr. West… I think the place you will find the kind of success you need, BET… and face it you don’t care about that channel either.
BET, this is another thing for a later date but why during black history month does BET show movies like “Malcom X” (he was in prison), “First time felon” (he was in prison) and “The Hurricane” (he was in prison). Hold on to your answer I will revisit it later.
So what do you think Gerbil, am I on to something? - Edward (Forks, OR)
Thanks for the email... I think you could be on to something. Oh, I mean... No comment.