The people have spoken. Just this morning some old bitch on her rascal stopped a young 6’6” black man in the lobby of our downtown offices just to tell him how much she hates Memphis guard Tyreke Evans because of his crappy game against Xavier in mid November. She also said he has a weak jumper and his shoes are ugly. I’m pretty sure she was profiling but what I think what she was trying to say is SHE IS TIRED OF THE SAME OLD BRACKET!!
Let’s find the biggest douche of MARCH MADNESS!
Fill free to print out this bracket and work your magic, I will update this site to tell you the outcome of these match ups. (click the bracket for a bigger image) *you size queen*
Right now: Katherine Heigl vs. Ryan Seacrest are fighting it out for the last spot on the board... winner goes against Chris Brown; I don't know if either one having the stamina for that fight.
Katherine Heigl
Katherine Heigl
What Makes Her A Douchebag:
Declining an Emmy nomination last year because last season's scripts on Grey's Anatomy weren't "good enough" definitely qualifies her as a great big bag o' douche. She had no problem collecting enormous checks for being on the show, but then decided it was her duty to throw the show's writers under the bus. But the joke's on her: Grey's Anatomy always sucked.
Ryan Seacrest
What Makes Him A Douchebag:
The perennial douchebag, Seacrest's combines a pretty boy smugness with the world's blandest personality. Listening to him suck up to celebrities and pretend that photos of Brad Pitt walking into a Starbucks are actual news makes you want to slap the facial right off his...face. Seacrest out (of everything except the closet.)